Walking for Autism


By Phyllis Lombardi, Client Relations

On June 2, 2019, the Barger and Gaines Dream Team took to the pavement at the Westchester/Fairfield Autism Speaks Walk and showed our solidarity in the fight against Autism.  As many know, these walks are commonplace for families and friends who are affected by Autism.  It’s a time to gather together, vent, heal, share, celebrate and hope.

But this walk was a bit different for me -- this walk included not only those affected but also co-workers who were willing to share their Sunday morning to show support for others.  As a mom who has a beautiful 22-year-old son on the Autism spectrum, take it from me this is not the norm.  People are busy, we all are doing the best we can with our personal challenges.  To see our staff, together on a Sunday morning, juggling baseball games and family commitments, meant more than any of them could ever know.  

We raised $6,000.00 dollars that day, but more than that we raised hope, kindness, and understanding.  What a great day for Barger & Gaines, for our families, for Autism Speaks –and for this very thankful mom.

Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disorder in the U.S.: 1 in 59 children is affected by Autism today. An estimated 50,000 adolescents with autism transition to adulthood each year. Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through advocacy and support, increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder, and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions. 

As my mother would say - let’s do this! May we get closer to answers and remember how every show of support makes a difference.